Thank God it’s Friday! Your girl Rebecca Black hates that day of the week, for obvious reasons. So, naturally, you love rubbing it in her face every Friday. Gotta get down on Friday, right? Rebecca is coming down the stairs with your freshly ironed shirt and that irresistible smile of hers. What a sweetheart. Time to give her the D. Grab your VR headset, unbutton your pants, and let Rebecca eat her favorite meal of the day.
Down on Friday
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Thank God it’s Friday! Your girl Rebecca Black hates that day of the week, for obvious reasons. So, naturally, you love rubbing it in her face every Friday. Gotta get down on Friday, right? Rebecca is coming down the stairs with your freshly ironed shirt and that irresistible smile of hers. What a sweetheart. Time to give her the D. Grab your VR headset, unbutton your pants, and let Rebecca eat her favorite meal of the day.

Down on Friday

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